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Disclaimer: Unfortunately Fluid Festival 2024 will not take place 14-16th June.

Unfortunately, we have to get back to you with some sad news. It is with heavy hearts that we are cancelling the Fluid Festival in June 2024.

Now to the background:

The voluntary organization of the festival and the resulting high workload, coupled with low ticket sales, led to an exceptional burden on the team members.

At the time of the decision, the actual sales figures were too far away from the required minimum number to allow the festival to take place without incurring high financial debts. Based on this, we collectively decided for ourselves and everyone involved it would be irresponsible to continue this project.

We operate in an environment that is increasingly struggling to realize non-profit events while ensure safe spaces. Establishing such spaces sometimes comes with high financial expenses, a fact that is evident in the risen ticket prices.


You will of course be refunded your full ticket price including all fees to your original payment method within the next few weeks. The refund will be made in cooperation with our ticket host Höme. Please note that this may take some time though.

What happens next?

In the upcoming months there will be more news from us about future projects.

Until then, we would like to invite you to a collaborative event with Fuchsbau Festival: On Monday, May 20, there will be a one-day open air event with great program in Hanover. We would be delighted if you come and visit us there. You will find more information about this soon on our regular channels.

We thank you for your ongoing support and wish you a wonderful summer.

Your Fluid Crew: Anna, Can, Christian, Daria, Elisa, Hannes, Jakob, Josepha, Josh, Jules, Kai, Karlene, Käthe, Kevin, Kevin, Kim, Olli, Patrick, Paula, Seb, Tati, Thao, Tina, Tore, Wilma


With Fluid Festival we want to create a meeting space for subculture. A space where dance enthusiasts and progressive electronic dance music lovers can come together to experience a carefully selected line-up of DJs, live acts and artists. Organic rhythm selections, the finest house, technoid ecstasy and moving art installations are the focus this weekend. Our goal is to create a place that breaks with social conventions and provides a space where everyone can feel comfortable.

Our Space

Spaces are fluid, which means they are moving. Everything that happens in spaces is carried on in and to the minds and hearts of other spaces. Energies are charged, passed on and shared.

A space can be created between two or more people: online, through walls, through communities - your actions are always essential. Space can be real or fictional, open or closed. Space can create a feeling of comfort and safety. It can be yours or someone elses. You yourself can be a guest or a listener, actively or passively helping to shape the space.

We, the Fluid Festival, want to create room for people and their communities to feel safer, to come to peace and to simply be. We know that we cannot design every space. However, we can make space available for others, in the sense of powersharing, even without entering it.

Our Space wants to create space for you, and is meant to stand for change and process, for being and for feeling safer - in a society where marginalised groups receive and occupy little space(s). Thus, spaces of encounter and exchange are to be created at the Fluid Festival, by collectives of the communities for the communities.

As a host of a FLINTA+ and/or BI_POC collective, you can design a programme of your choice for your Our Space. At the same time, defining a space also means setting boundaries that should be respected and not crossed. You can decide who will build and fill this space with you.

We, the Fluid Team, try to sensitize and educate ourselves, to reflect on our own voids in order to support all spaces, all people, in their being and identity.


We are currently revising our awareness concept.

Code of Conduct

We do not tolerate the use or threat of verbal, psychological and physical violence.

We respect individual boundaries and act according to the consensus principle: Only an unambiguous, pronounced yes means yes! No always means no and can also be expressed non-verbally.

We ask people for pronouns, because the external appearance says nothing about the gender identity of a person.

We take the perception of the person concerned seriously and do not protect the perpetrator. Therefore, the power of definition lies with the person concerned.

We do not tolerate any form of discrimination.

We do not use cameras or cell phones for photography or filming on the dance floors and only photograph people in other places with their permission.

The open showing of nipples on the festival grounds is not tolerated, as we show solidarity with people who cannot enjoy the privilege of feeling good about themselves.

We take a critical look at forms of cultural appropriation and avoid copying elements of a culture that is not our own. We show openness when misconduct is pointed out, respect when people feel discriminated against by our appropriation and correct our actions accordingly.

We do not tolerate open consumption of illegal drugs.


Sustainability and festivals: a paradox? Perhaps. For us, sustainability is a constant process and not a target state.

We strive to continually explore and implement options that will make Fluid Festival a more socially and environmentally sustainable place. For us, sustainability means future viability based on conscious thought and action. As organizers, we want to take responsibility for the impact of our activities on environment and society. Social aspects such as awareness and accessibility are just as important to us as the integration into local economic cycles and the lowest possible ecological impact. These include the impacts on the festival site and the surrounding natural environment, but also the impacts on the climate. To keep an eye on these, we calculate the carbon footprint of our event and develop appropriate climate protection measures. We also see culture as a driver for sustainable development: we need societal change that is culturally accompanied. As part of the event sector, we want to live, share and promote creativity, balance and cooperation together with a network of different stakeholders.

If you have specific ideas or suggestions, we would be happy to receive your feedback.



We depend on your help when it comes to sustainability

Please question your own actions at the festival and kindly point out environmentally harmful behavior to your fellow human beings. Only together we can make the Fluid Festival as sustainable as possible. By sustainability we do not only mean the ecological aspects, but also social justice. That's why we have set up donation opportunities on the festival grounds. Speaking of donations: Since we cooperate with social enterprises like DÜSEN and LEMONAID, you also donate an amount to selected projects with every drink you buy.


This way, please.